the new icon of premiere office building in the city

What We Offer

PACIFIC BUILDING is seven stories rental office building located in Jalan Laksda Adisucipto 157 Yogyakarta.

With strategic location in the heart of Yogyakarta near New Adisucipto Airport, Gajah Mada University, Malioboro, Mall and Hotels.The location ensure Pacific Building surrounded with central business and shopping centres in Yogyakarta.


Gallery of Pacific Building

Available Space

77.1 m2

Suite 205

83.32 m2

Suite 206

140.18 m2

Suite 207

65.92 m2

Suite 208

60.86 m2

Suite 403

73.79 m2

Suite 405

46 m2

Suite 406

55.30 m2

Suite 409

Our Tenants